Early Intervention

What is Early Intervention?
  • Services provided to children birth to age three who are experiencing a delay in development or have a diagnosed disability, or physical or mental condition with a high probability of resulting in a delay.
  • Services provided in natural settings-everyday routines, experiences, and activities occurring as part of your child’s family and community life.
  • Services are centered around your child’s interests and your priorities.
  • Parent involvement is important and necessary in all aspects of your child’s program.

Who Are We?
  • In Ohio, County Boards of Developmental Disabilities have a long history of providing services to families and children birth through age two.  We work collaboratively with the Help Me Grow Program to provide quality services for your child and family.
  • Our commitment is to provide services that are evidence based.
  • Our goal is to partner with you to    promote your child’s participation in everyday activities that are important to you.
Who are the Team Members?
Every family will have access to a team:
  • Early Intervention (EI) Specialist
  • Occupational Therapist 
  • Physical Therapist
  • Speech Therapist
  • Help Me Grow Service Coordinator
This team will help build YOUR family’s capacity to care for your child and promote their growth and development in natural environments where you live, work, and play.
What To Expect?
  • Your Help Me Grow Service Coordinator will guide your through the process,    arrange evaluations, services, and     meetings.
  • You will have one team member working with you and your family who will be your Primary Service Provider (PSP).
  • Your Help Me Grow Service Coordinator and PSP will learn about you and your family and your daily routines.
  • Your PSP will be delivering your EI services in your home and will be supported by a team of professionals that have different areas of expertise so all of your child’s needs are addressed.
  • You and your Early Intervention Team will identify outcomes that you would like to work on collaboratively and  document those common goals on your Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
  • You and your PSP will identify everyday learning activities important to your child and family.
Who Is Eligible?
Children birth through two years of age who are demonstrating a developmental delay in at least one area of development or who have a diagnosed medical condition that has a high probability of causing a developmental delay.

A child may demonstrate a developmental delay in one of the following areas of development:

Large Muscle Movement (rolling, crawling, walking, etc)
Small Muscle Movement (holding a bottle, rattle, toys, etc)
Speech and Language Skills (feeding, understanding others, saying words, etc)
Cognitive Skills (thinking and learning, how does your child play with/interact with toys and environment)
Social Emotional Skills (how does your child interact with others)
Self Help Skills (eating and dressing)

Who May Be Referred?
Children who are birth through two years of age who have a diagnosed medical condition that is likely to cause a developmental delay or who are suspected of having a  developmental delay.  With parental permission, anyone can make a referral to EI.
For Early Intervention and Home Visitng
Anywhere in Ohio
Web referral form: http://bit.ly/ReferToHMG
Email: HMGreferrals@helpmegrow.org
Fax: General/HEA Forms (855) 418-3322
Fax: Hospital/Medical Providers (855) 318-3322

Or contact the Help Me Grow Regional Intake number listed below:
The Early Intervention Center is
located at Fairhaven School.
Early Intervention Services are provided/paid for by 

the Madison County Board of Developmental Disabilities